Panorama Gallery

The sweet light on this blue sky morning reveals a magnificent scene of fall at Oxbow Bend. Mount Moran covered in a fresh blanket of snow shows its reflection and the reflection of the fall colored Aspen trees in the calm blue water below. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

With sunrise approaching the day, dark and dismal, a pinhole of light beams through the dark cloudy skies. A beam of light so bright, as thought the finger of God slowly painted the fall color on the trees as it traveled across Oxbow Bend. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

Sunrise above the clouds at Dunraven pass turns the clouds pink as they float over the valley below, allowing only a few of the forests treetops to peek above the clouds. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Fall on the Oxbow in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. The clouds are beginning to brake, exposing the freshly fallen snow and revealing the fall colored Aspen trees as the seasons begin to change.

P22-291011 Going My Way In the Spring moose are often seen in rivers, lakes, and wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants both on and below the surface. Moose seem just as at home in the water as they are on land as we watch these two young bulls cross the Madison River near West Yellowstone, Montana

The Yellowstone River, as it winds through snow covered Haden Valley. After a long winter the sun is shining in the blue sky above. A chill is in the air, the thaw has begun, and life is again stirring as seen by the animal tracks in the snow. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Springtime near Island Park, Idaho the fields of wildflowers seem endless as they roll into the distance

Thousands of snow geese (Anser caerulescens) feeding in a field of grain planted for the snow geese annually at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico their winter home.

A herd of Pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra americana) prancing across the prairie in the fresh falling snow during the fall of the year in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Mother nature has assembled the elements and exposed her golden pallet of fall color in a mirrored reflection at Oxbow Bend. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

The warming rays of summer's sunshine light the scene, drawing the eye down the buck n' rail fence line adorned with bright, cheerful poppies. Victor, Idaho

Wispy white clouds adorn the bright blue sky to showcase the peak of fall color at the Oxbow. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

A field of wild bright orange poppies, backlit by the summer's late setting sun. Victor, Idaho

It is the water running down the flume that powers the 1886 turbine mill that ground corn into meal and wheat into flour for those in the local community. The National Park Service restored the mill in 1968. It continues to operate in the summer as an historical exhibit. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina

It's fall in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. After nearly two days of hard rain it makes the brightly colored leaves of fall even more vivid and colorful. As the torrents of water continue to fall the river is in rage. The water is now crashing against the exposed boulders on its way downstream. Tennessee